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Showing posts from November, 2017

Edgy Exterior (?) / Ridiculous Interior = Chaos!

Afternoon folks! A three-quarters-through-the-day blog post this time (and quite delayed at that). To be quite honest, I wasn't going to upload this particular outfit to this blog (it's generally not colourful enough for my liking), however it received such a positive reaction on my instagram that I wanted to share it here to see if it somehow exhibits something I'd not yet realised I could, well, exhibit. I don't have many (read: rarely any) monochromatic days, and although this outfit technically has a pop of, you guessed it, yellow, it is otherwise black and white. That being said, I did feel very chic in this get-up with tied up hair to match. Maybe I'll try to introduce more edginess to my exterior appearance more often. Goodness knows I am not at all edgy interior-wise. Ridiculous is a far more accurate descriptor. I thought I would also add a small section entitled Louise's Fantastic Trivia to each blog post (just for the Hell of it, to be ...

Silly Yellow Mood

Morning folks! It's another outfit post. Let's get on with it, eh? My mood fluctuates pretty darn often, and I find myself chopping and changing outfits with the drop of a literal hat (which I chose not to wear for this outfit post). I feel these changes are thanks to a love of experimentation in my style, and a degree of antsyness, which I cannot seem to escape. As the Caterpillar said, 'I cannot tell what I will be from one minute to the next!' - this quote definitely rings true with my outfits.  Ultimately, the outfit has to feel right. Colour often is the crux of representing my mood, particularly colour blocking. This outfit from yesterday displayed my 'silly yellow mood:' a mood which rears its heads on my most positive days. Yellow is a vibrant, 'I'm here!' colour and sometimes I am a vibrant, 'I'm here' person! (Though sometimes I'm the tiniest, quietest wallflower you'll ever meet.) It's just the best colour ...

Silly Ruby and Joseph's Magical Dream Coat

Hi everyone!  So, this is my very first post (of many, I hope) on this particular blog, Jumper Dweller. I'm no stranger to blogging, I must say, having made many different ones since 2012ish. However, in the past I have found it difficult to remain consistent, an issue I hope to override with this blog.  I suppose some of you lot might be wondering about me (maybe?), and so I'll say my little blurb and get on with today's outfit, which I'm sure is why you're all here.  My name is Louise and I'm pretty much the title of this blog: I live in jumpers, dwell in them even. I'm a 22 year old autistic vegan, recovering from a serious mental illness with a huge interest in clothing and personal style, living in Guernsey in the Channel Islands. People watching is my passion, though I never notice what the people I watch actually look like, but rather what they're wearing. I have an obsession with the colour yellow and can't get enough of rai...