A happy Louise!
Hi folks! Me again. Long time, no write (?)... In truth, the title of this blog post, 'Super Busy', has been indicative of my past (aka-til-now) and future (aka-henceforth) state. It's bloody difficult to balance work, study and generally being a human being. So, here are a few tips (it's going to be a short post today, folks, I'm currently procrastinating from uni work, sorry!)
Today's outfit!
Stay Accepting: enjoy who you are and STOP COMPARING
This tip is a good one, if I do say so myself. It can be really difficult to accept the situation you're in. Maybe uni seems overwhelming or you just don't like your new haircut (okay, both relevant for me...), but ultimately, nothing lasts forever and the achievement gained from waiting things out, whether that be an MA degree or long hair after the pixie-grow-out phase, is always worth it. Time is a wonderful thing and it passes all too quickly, so enjoy where you are right now.
Stop looking at where other people are and focus on you. You are your priority. So, use social media wisely and believe in your abilities, because you are capable of anything (bar flying, of course!).
Some little things to do to accomplish this tip:
1. Curate your instagram - it should be digital diary, a source of inspiration, not somewhere you go to hamper your journey to self-love.
2. Play around with your appearance, but this time rather than willing yourself to look different, just accept and accentuate your individuality. Embrace that haircut mistake!
3. Work hard, no matter how unmotivated you are. (I need to take this piece of advice, for sure!). Your future self will thank you!
Love this colour palette!
Stay Inspired: enjoy who you're working towards being
I love Pinterest. I think a lot of people do, and honestly it's so helpful to create virtual moodboards so that your current style/whatever desires are summed up in imagery and all in one place. But anyway, staying inspired is key to remaining motivated in life.
Some little ways to remain inspired:
a) Look around you! What are other people wearing (not in a comparison-type way, but more of a what-can-I-learn-from-others kind of way)? What beauty can you find in everyday life? The world is always happening around you, take a look.
b) Seek out what you don't know: read, research, talk, question everything. It's great to know some, but more is always better.
Right folks, I'm running out of spoons I'm afraid, but I hope you enjoyed this little post (sorry it's a tad rubbish and that I've been absent for so long). Much love!
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