I've talked a lot on this platform about the importance of self-acceptance, care and love, but what about when the time does come to make some changes, to reinvent, if you will? I believe I've come to one of those times. I've outgrown my old style and it's time for a change! I have a few tips/ideas on how to go about such a change. Read on if you'd like!
Fight the Fear
It can be really disconcerting to change things up. People expect a certain standard (of oddity, of style, of whatever) and when suddenly such things are delivered in a different way, it can cause a reaction from the people in your life or even a feeling that you're not living up to how other people view you. But just remember, it's your style, it's your message to the world and if you want to switch things up: the world's your lobster!
The first different outfit will be the hardest. For me, I'm trying to tone things down a bit, wear more interesting shapes and fewer 'crazy' items all in one outfit, and I'm truly worried that people will think what I intend to wear is 'boring'. Being 'boring' is a difficult thing for me, past memories and all that jazz (a friend of mine called me boring when I was very young and it scarred me from my adolescence til present day). I think I use clothing to draw attention to me, but away from my personality because I worry that I am actually boring. The exciting clothes distract the observer from my terrible self-esteem. But that's no way to live!
Anyway, back to fighting the fear: the first outfit is, as I've said, the hardest. It takes guts to wear something you're not used to, but if you're heading in the right direction style-wise, it should feel like a relief. Like the serpent has shed its skin and you are renewed, fresh and ready to demonstrate just how interesting you are. (And believe me, you are!)
Finding Inspiration
Maybe you know that your style just isn't you anymore, but you don't know what your true style is... May I take this opportunity to direct you to Pinterest. For me, it's a life-saver and I bloody love it. I create monthly boards (to watch my style ideation evolve), a yearly board, a board for style experiments and a board for niche styles I admire. It's so important to have visual cues for creating a new style because patch working your new look from that of those you admire is the best way forward. We are all patchwork creatures. Pinterest is just a way to collate those images and provide a place to be inspired on the daily!
I'll share my Pinterest here. If you do decide to take a gander, you'll definitely see my style ideal evolving. I'm primarily inspired by street style, particularly that of London, Paris and New York. But there certainly are other sources of inspiration for creating a new style: friends, random people in the street, family, colours and textures. Even a quick shopping trip can be good for scouting out some potential new pieces.
Keeping it True to Who (You Are)
We see a lot of people on social media that we could potentially admire and we do so for many of them. But you don't want to be imitating to-the-letter someone else's style. So I propose: keep pieces of your old style that are transferable to the new version, especially pieces that you love and that might even be a part of your identity. I love yellow! That's no secret and so I'll keep it, like in these pictures. Keep what means the most to you. It'll make the process so much easier.
In summary, style evolution is a natural part of life in the contemporary, Western world. Embrace it! Have fun with it! Do your research and enjoy the process. I'll let you know how I get on. Good luck!
Thanks for reading, folks <3 I hope you're all well. Over and out!
Instagram @jumper.dweller
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