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The Fear of Dressing "Boring": an essay on style evolution

An eccentric outfit I put together, then removed almost immediately!

If you're reading this blog, you might well know that eccentricity and dressing differently is something I value. However, you will not know that I'm becoming more and more drawn to "conventional" clothes, and this instills a deep fear in me. If you've selected to read this post, maybe you're also struggling with the paradoxical desire to be express yourself, while not feeling comfortable in the clothes you used to wear quite happily (the "exciting/different" ones). Is it a part of growing older? Or is it just part of a style evolution? Let's explore! 

Disclaimer: I'm not trying to articulate that dressing in a monochromatic/conventional way is undesirable in general, but rather that I struggle with the idea! 

One day you wake up, everything seems normal, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and you are at ease. Until you walk over to the wardrobe, open its promising doors, and realise that you strongly dislike or feel apathy towards all the clothes you own. They seem alien, uncomfortable, confusing and dressing in the morning is a challenge. 

Okay, so it's usually not as sudden and direct as that description, but I guess it could be. But it is not the clothes that have become alien and odd, it is you that has changed. Your clothes no longer reflect your values, personality and priorities. Dressing differently may still be paramount but what constitutes different has changed. 

I spend a lot of time drinking coffee!

My style has been somewhat static for about four or five years, I still own a lot of clothes from that time, and I have noticed recently that I just cannot decide what to wear. And that is a problem: it takes up unnecessary time in the morning (time I could be spending drinking coffee or *cough* scrolling through instagram *cough*), and it makes me feel insecure in my identity. 

Dressing in a way you love sets you up for the day - it can give you a lot of confidence to face whatever might come your way. But when you're confused and unhappy in the chosen outfit, well, it's not much fun! But, is it better than dressing "boring"?

I'm going to embrace change! Are you?

My answer: No! Dress however makes you comfortable, "boring" or not! 

Because if you (or at least, I) delve into why we fear dressing in a way we consider "boring", it's time to investigate why we fear it. I would argue that it's because we don't want to appear boring to the world, we want our style to send out the message that we are interesting people, we are eccentric and we are not to be ignored. But, there are many other ways of expressing these values, the main one by simply being yourself around your peers - your eccentricity will shine through! 

Personally, I am ashamed to admit that I enjoy dressing differently because I like to be looked at as interesting. I have a deep fear that I am actually boring. This, hopefully, is not the case, but I know I need to put less emphasis and self-worth on what I wear. I am me and interesting and you are you and interesting no matter what we wear.

So, let your style evolve naturally and in a way that is authentic to who you are right here, right now. Swimming against the tide in attempting to dress in a way which now makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't serve you. Don't fear dressing "boring" because you never will be. 

Right, folks, that was a quick post based on my struggle to get dressed this morning! I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading. Much love. 

Instagram @jumper.dweller


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