Currently, I'm in a serious style rut. Paradoxically I want to wear everything and nothing in my wardrobe. I love all my clothes but there is some sense that they're just. not. me.
I feel like everyone can understand this debilitating (style-wise) feeling: the stuff you've accumulated somehow doesn't reflect the person you're on your way to becoming. It's a style-paralysis. And I have some wisdom (sort of) to share on how best to reawaken your style-body and end this paralysis. Let's go!
Self-love and Positive Body Image: Being Comfortable
Clothes can also be used to hide, or as some kind of elaborate disguise, or a masquerade of sorts - a way of presenting a self which is either exaggerated, inauthentic or wishfully thought out. This is where my experience comes in - my clothes are basically an armour for entering the public sphere. I want to be seen a certain way by others and so I dress accordingly. This is partially because I do not quite have the sense of self-love that I deserve.
A bit crappy quality-wise, but I'm working on wearing tighter tops - here's some evidence!
A bit crappy quality-wise, but I'm working on wearing tighter tops - here's some evidence!
Self-love is a difficult thing to develop, it's a very long and winding path to travel. There will always be days where you feel down and maybe even ugly, but I assure you: you are beautiful because you are human and you are worthy of love from all because you are a life-force and therefore are intrinsically valuable.
Developing a sense of love for yourself is a step towards feeling not just comfortable in your clothes, but comfortable in your body. That is the key to the effective expression of style. It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it. Love radiates confidence and confidence brings about enthusiasm, even for those clothes you spend every morning staring at.
A Clear Sense of Self: Chameleon vs. Steadfast
Who is Louise? I ask myself this daily. For a long time, I had no idea, because I'm such a chameleon. Then I came to the conclusion that it is totally A-OK to be a chameleon. It's a valid identity to be changeable. So please don't fret if you can't decide on a personal uniform or if the concept of a capsule wardrobe makes you shake with fear. It's a wonderful thing to be chopping and changing, it's exciting, it's original.
But if you do have a clear sense of self, firstly I applaud you and secondly, do not be afraid of evolution. There is no end-goal of style, there is no destination or fully-formed uniform for life. Evolution is constant and if you're wanting to make some changes to your style, don't worry that it 'won't suit' you or that it's 'not you'. A sense of paralysis sets in when change is coming about, but I say Run With It! If you want to buy blue jeans instead of black, do it! A skirt instead of shorts? Heck yes.
Anyway, my point was: follow your instincts. If change is happening, embrace it. Chameleon or steadfast as a rock, or even somewhere inbetween, do not refrain from trying new things.
If you can't see the wood (wardrobe) for the trees (clothes), why not try reorganising the placement of the trees? (did that metaphor work?!).
I mean: take everything out of your wardrobe and reorganise it. Colour coordinate it, put shirts in order of pattern, hang up trousers and jeans rather than putting them in drawers, hang jumpers (sensibly) so you can see them better. Shake it up! It might give you some inspiration, and you have a chance to rumple through and rediscover things you might have forgotten about.
A quick little tip on the side: if you select some clothes you might be wanting to give away, put them in storage for 2-3 weeks and take them out again. If you're excited to see some of the pieces after their holiday, keep them, if not, send them on their way.
I call this dressing-up session result '80s Prom Witch,' pretty fun, right? (And entirely ridiculous!)
Dressing Up Session
Play dress up! See what works and take lots and lots of pictures. Just experiment and see what makes you feel good. I love dressing up in the evening, and 80s Prom Witch (above) is one of the outfits I came up with. It's flipping fun, seriously, try it.
Another experiment, this time with a mori girl vibe.
You're all fab, let me know what you thought of this post in the comments, and I'll be posting again soon!
Over and out <3
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