I would flipping love to know why some people, mostly men though i'm sure women do it too, gawk at anyone who is dressed even slightly differently. I guess in my particular situation, I'm held back from going under the radar by the fact that I live in a very, very conservative place.
But, this being said, surroundings should never disallow an individual from expressiving themselves! Be free! Wear a multicoloured all-in-one and those holographic docs to match, I dare you! If we live in a world where strangers can dictate what we wear on a day-to-day basis, I would like a ticket to Mars, stat. At least it's uninhabited, eh? (Or so we think...)
However, it is extraordinarily difficult to traipse around in whatever extravagant ensemble you put together that morning when people are straight up staring. But it's not impossible! Let me divulge some tips.
1. Headphones are your friend(s).
I wore this pretty crazy outfit the other day, thank goodness for my over-ear headphones!
There is a wonderful sense of impenetrability when wearing a nice pair of over-ear headphones. Choose something uplifting and walk the street like it's your catwalk - the world is your lobster.
I'm currently enjoying Future Islands latest release here and Parks, Squares and Alleys' new album here. Gotta love a bit of dreampop to brighten your day, it truly makes me feel like a disco girl.
Plus, you'll never be able to hear any rude/curious remarks if you're tuned in to your personal silent disco, turn up the music and get out there!
2. A Personal Mantra
The golden light in my boyfriend's house inspires me so much confidence-wise.
A mantra can really induce a sense of self-confidence that acts as a fancy shield against the outside world.
Examples include:
'I look flipping fabulous, and everyone knows it!' (Sass to the max)
'No one is looking and if they are, let them look.' (Indifference)
'I express myself through my dress and I shall not stress!' (For the poet within)
Every time you notice someone gazing at your outfit in distaste or out of pure confusion, just repeat one of the above or another mantra that suits your style. The only thing you truly own is your body, adorn it as you see fit!
3. A Winning Smile
Oh, and I dyed my hair recently: ultimate confidence boost!
Honestly, smiling at strangers is practically the only sport I can manage. It's so much fun and so rewarding no matter what you're wearing but it can be a kind of armour when displaying eccentricity. In my experience, a lot of people think extravagance is intimidating, so show your friendly side and make someone smile when they realise you're not some kind of monster.
Plus, you might make some new friends along the way!
So those are my three tips for wearing what the Hell you want, whenever you want. I hope this post has been helpful.
In conclusion, I wanted to mention that in the case of cat-calling, just ignoring the offender is best in my opinion. Going on the defence can be helpful sometimes, but really, don't feed their misplaced attention. People who are willing to deliberately make others uncomfortable in that way don't deserve your concern.
Anyway, guys, it's like 1 o'clock in the morning and I have work tomorrow. (I'm awake due to anxiety unfortunately, which isn't ideal, but at least I'm being productive I guess,
Over and out!
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