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A Purple Velvet Mess

Afternoon folks! As a self-proclaimed mess of a human, I thought I'd entitle this post 'A Purple Velvet Mess,' and write a little bit about why uncertainty and the messiness of life can be empowering in its own way. 

It is no secret that human nature desires growth, progress and generally for things to go to plan, and yet infinite progress and perpetual growth are entirely impossible, and as we all know, things rarely go as planned. And so, we are frequently thrown by life. Plans are made only to crumble, our work does not seem to pay off and eventually every project will tail off, bowing to the next big thing. 

We are ultimately victims of our own expectations.

The answer? Well, there isn't one, but I have my own idea about how we might best manage something which can be desperately frustrating. 

I try to embrace the uncertainty and trust that whatever higher power there might be is weaving the threads of my life into a beautiful knitted scarf, or tapestry, or at least pair of colourful socks. As an INFJ (Myers-Briggs), I experience uncertainty as a kind of horrific anxiety, but over time I have realised that I have very little control over what happens in my life. I can only actively choose what makes me happy, what benefits others, and try to let go of the dread that encircles when something I wanted to happen, doesn't. 

Whether you believe that something/someone has a plan for you, or you decide to trust the randomness of a universe we do not understand, please try to indulge the idea that 'when one door closes, another door opens,' because there is so much truth in that mindset. 

The universe makes no sense. We are inescapably finite. 

The best we can hope for is to achieve contentment, or even happiness. 

Right, if you got through all that, let's see the outfit! 

For some strange reason, I look odd when I look at the camera... And so I pose.... And look away... 

Outfit details
Cardigan: Joules via charity shop
Top (underneath dress): Miss Selfridge
Dress: a clothing exchange at uni (unknown brand)
Socks: Topshop
Shoes: Dr Martens
Necklace: ASOS Marketplace (years ago)

Well, that was a juxtapositional post, eh? An outfit and some deep thoughts. I hope you enjoyed either/both of the elements. Let me know in the comments what you thought. 

Check out my instagram if you should feel so inclined! @jumper.dweller

Over and out! 


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