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Showing posts from March, 2019

Sometimes you just have to decide: indecision as a millennial

I feel like, for some strange reason, we millennials are drifting aimlessly somewhere in the ether. We are by no means directionless, far from it. We are instead surrounded by so. many. options. And yet none of them seem viable.  It's 1am, no, sorry 2am - an hour has passed since I gave up on sleep and began to jot down (also known as: scribble down manically before the ideas somehow escape me) a plan for the future.  Not so long ago it was considered 'normal' to have a five year plan: go to university, get a good job, find a partner, marry said partner, and have children, get old, die. That was most people's plans, or so it seemed. Of course, there were 'eccentrics' that deemed this linear life too straightforward, choosing to live in communes, off-grid and reliant on the land. Okay, I exaggerate the polarities of these two more-or-less untrue stereotypes, but I digress.  A game-plan for life was set out for us, as detailed above. But now, ...